"Fighting for the Dream" could not have happened without the generous support of our friends and supporters. Deepest gratitude and appreciation to
Platinium Circle Contributors ($1000+) Dr. Wing Mar and Joyce Mar, Dr. James Bok Wong and Betty KC Yeow, Jeff and Louise Mar and family, The Sauvage-Mar Family, American Legion Kimlau Post.
Gold Circle Contributors ($500+) Virginia Chow, Kurt Lee, David J. Louie, and Anonymous.
Silver Circle Contributors ($120+) The Mar Chun Family - Craig, Gayle, Sarah, Jesse, Anne, Reid, and Emery; Michael Lindgren, Judy Sue-Fang Kuan, Bayer Lee, Rajiv Menjoge, Mo Pan, See-wan Szeto, Darren Louie, Thomas Doherty, Edward J. Davis, Edward & Evelyn Seto, Anonymous
Bronze Circle Contributors ($50+) Peter Kiang, Edward Wei, Keira Peng, Jennifer Liu, Susan Yu, Alexander Cho, Mike Lee, Martin White, Melissa Chan, Charles W. Leeds, Pakee Fang, Welton Chang, Irving D. Moy, Lee Chang, Vivian Chung, Andrew and Kelly Chu, Anonymous, Eugene Oh, Wing Y. Lai and Dorothy Lai, Tony Lee, Will Meland, Morgan and Pattie Lew, Wingcheong Lam, Elsie Seetoo, Jessica Chow, Salinda Phanitsiri, Anonymous
Platinium Circle Contributors ($1000+) Dr. Wing Mar and Joyce Mar, Dr. James Bok Wong and Betty KC Yeow, Jeff and Louise Mar and family, The Sauvage-Mar Family, American Legion Kimlau Post.
Gold Circle Contributors ($500+) Virginia Chow, Kurt Lee, David J. Louie, and Anonymous.
Silver Circle Contributors ($120+) The Mar Chun Family - Craig, Gayle, Sarah, Jesse, Anne, Reid, and Emery; Michael Lindgren, Judy Sue-Fang Kuan, Bayer Lee, Rajiv Menjoge, Mo Pan, See-wan Szeto, Darren Louie, Thomas Doherty, Edward J. Davis, Edward & Evelyn Seto, Anonymous
Bronze Circle Contributors ($50+) Peter Kiang, Edward Wei, Keira Peng, Jennifer Liu, Susan Yu, Alexander Cho, Mike Lee, Martin White, Melissa Chan, Charles W. Leeds, Pakee Fang, Welton Chang, Irving D. Moy, Lee Chang, Vivian Chung, Andrew and Kelly Chu, Anonymous, Eugene Oh, Wing Y. Lai and Dorothy Lai, Tony Lee, Will Meland, Morgan and Pattie Lew, Wingcheong Lam, Elsie Seetoo, Jessica Chow, Salinda Phanitsiri, Anonymous